Mar 5, 2011

Nankhatai (Butter cookie)

This cookie is an all time favorite in our  family. Our mom used to make this for us and decorate it with a small piece of cherry on the top :) Its very easy and simple to make.It requires no special ingredients...only the common ones in everyone's pantry-flour, butter and sugar.thats it :)


You'll need:

All-purpose Flour: 1cup 
Butter: 1/2 cup (softened)
Sugar: 1/2 cup
Vanilla: 1/3 tsp

How to make:

1. Preheat oven to 375 F. 

2. Sift the flour and set aside. 

3. In a medium-size bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Mix in the vanilla. 

4. Add the flour to the creamed mixture a little bit at a time and mix well until a soft dough forms. If the mixture is too soft, cover and refrigerate for about an hour. 

5. Roll dough into 1 inch balls and place them onto the baking sheet 1.5 inches part. 

6. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until cookies are golden brown on the bottom. Remove to wire racks to cool. 

Everyone's fav :)


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