Mar 22, 2012

Lemony steamed corn/Masala butter corn

Masala butter corrn....that is what we call it back home in India...remember the butter corn you get in those little stalls outside the shopping malls...where you  pay a fortune for a small paper cup of  steamed corn ..i mean it used to be 25 bucks for a cup long time ago.....i'm sure it would have gone up by now...but still its worth it, when you are all in the mood to laze around in a mall,on a weekend.... mostly window shopping or checking out new trends...ending up buying something silly and cheap :)
gone are those days...oh! used to be so much fun...nothing to worry about....carefree spinsterhood days....these steamed corn always takes me back to those good days in Bangalore...very easy snack...can be used as a side too...or as a salad for the healthy eaters out there.
You'll need:
Corn: 1 can, washed and drained ( instead you can use a packet of frozen corn or fresh corn too)
Butter: 1 tbsp
Italian seasoning-2 tsp (Or use chat masala powder)
Lemon juice: 1-2 tbsp
Salt: to taste
Pepper: as required

How to make:
Steam the washed corn for about 15 min.
In a bowl mix butter, lemon juice and the seasoning.Toss in the steamed corn and mix well till the corn gets coated with the seasoning mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Butter corn is ready...You can vary the seasoning to your taste. Spice it up by adding a pinch of cayenne pepper...


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